It's a debate many have, and we have the results here. Why does Celebrity Make up artist, and Expert Sarah Collins chooses and recommends Magnetic over Extensions?
Long Lashes, we all want them, but what’s the best and most suitable way to get them?
Sarah's personal choice every time is Magnetic Lashes. Pictured above, in the Poppy Lashes. Why? Because with Magnetic Lashes you get the long lush lashes without the long-term damage that can be caused by Lash extensions if you DO NOT APPLY them correctly or look after them with the utmost proper care.
With OneFigure Beauty Magnetic Lashes, you can interchange styles and only wear them when you need. A HUGE thing, ladies today don't factor in or even consider is your daily or skincare routine.
You can remove them at night while you sleep and when you are doing your skincare routine which allows you to clean your delicate eye area thoroughly it, therefore, gives your natural lashes a break, which is highly important.
Why is this so important?
It comes down to care. Proper care. Using easy-on easy-off removable Magnetic Lashes, you can be sure that you will be keeping your eyes and lashes free from dirt and bacteria that can regularly get caught in lash extensions, this can be difficult to keep clean, upkeep and be bacteria-free.
Do Lash Extensions use glue?
Yes, the glue that is often used to apply the lash extensions (most include an ingredient called formaldehyde). This can cause severe allergic reactions and irritations, and even temporary loss of lashes, and in some severe cases, damage to the cornea.
You do need a professional lash technician to apply and show you how to take care of the lash extensions. Lash extensions aren’t easily removed. You must book an appointment with your lash technician for safe removal adding to the costs, which is only temporary.
With the Magnetic Lashes and particularly the range from OneFigure Beauty, these are designed so you can get up to 30-40 wears. You can keep them clean by dipping a cotton bud into non-oily micellar water and wiping over the lashes plus strip lightly after each use, and then popping them back into their box they arrive in, which makes them super clean and ready for the next use.